C4XD Stock Discussion

C4X Discovery Holdings plc Description

C4X Discovery Holdings plc is a drug discovery and development company. The Company is engaged in the provision of technologies to improve the drug discovery process for small molecule therapies. Its discovery portfolio targets addiction, diabetes, inflammatory diseases and oncology, and includes small molecule versions of marketed biologics. Its products include Orexin-1, NRF-2, GPR142, GLP-1, Anti-IL-17, SGC Collaboration and Target 1. Its primary indication for its oral Orexin-1 antagonists is for the treatment of nicotine addiction as an aid to smoking cessation. It has two drug discovery programs targeting inflammatory disorders: oral Nrf-2 activators for the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) and oral/topical IL-17 inhibitors for the treatment of Psoriasis. IL-17 is implicated in multiple inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Its suite of technologies include Taxonomy3, Conformetrix and MolPlex.

Sector: Healthcare
Industry: Biotechnology
Keywords: Life Sciences Biopharmaceutical Biology Drug Discovery Autoimmune Diseases Diabetes Health Sciences Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Autoimmune Disease Psoriasis Inflammatory Disorders