List of All Stocks | UK (LSE & AIM)

All Stock Screens
Symbol Grade Name Last Price % Change Volatility Avg Volume
BRBY F Burberry Group Plc 1146.24 -0.37 7.508 1,075,398
PFC F Petrofac Limited 10.50 0.00 77.384 7,925,967
RENX F Renalytix Ai Plc 21.00 -2.33 38.388 574,885
SUPR F Supermarket Income REIT Plc 72.10 -0.14 9.396 2,687,884
VANQ F Vanquis Banking Group PLC 48.25 0.73 6.342 2,004,860
DEST F Destiny Pharma Plc 18.72 5.46 68.545 532,316
CLI F Cls Holdings Plc 83.29 0.35 1.488 354,264
VCP F Victoria Plc 192.60 -1.23 46.508 334,319
AVCT F Avacta Group Plc 44.08 -3.65 24.943 3,742,226
AGFX F Argentex Group Plc 44.71 0.93 37.648 285,830
ARB F Argo Blockchain Plc 11.54 -0.48 16.206 4,971,793
CCR F C&C Group Plc 164.80 0.00 6.239 690,215
OCDO F Ocado Group Plc 345.58 -2.13 25.027 2,541,511
SRT F SRT Marine Systems plc 24.20 0.83 41.395 279,853
ONDO F Ondo InsurTech Plc 15.40 0.98 51.341 365,800
CPH2 F CPClean Power Hydrogen plcH2 12.59 -0.30 32.828 609,164
MONY F Moneysupermarket.Com Group Plc 216.80 0.65 8.002 991,321
SOS F Sosandar Plc 11.50 -4.17 24.316 301,705
AEWU F AEW UK REIT Plc 85.41 1.56 5.653 400,207
0RG4 F Torm PLC Class A 34.43 0.00 8.429 468,257

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