Earliest available date is 2022-04-22. Please choose that date or later.

Stocks Making: Evening Star on

Evening star formations can be useful in determining trend changes, particularly when used in conjunction with other indicators. Many traders use price oscillators and trendlines to confirm this candlestick pattern

Related Scans: Reversal Japanese Candlestick Bearish Possible Reversal
Or combine this in a: Combo Scan or a Back-To-Back Scan

Symbol Grade Close % Change Volume Vol Surge
SGB3 B 55.12 -2.48 752 1.37
SKG B 3466.00 -2.37 452,548 1.20
3SVP F 15.10 -18.16 197,974 1.14
3SNP F 618.13 -9.05 368 0.79
SNDE F 1.85 -17.56 14,457 0.45
0JQQ C 61.61 -1.86 2,251 0.38
UL3S B 9781.00 -1.90 82 0.12
3SNE D 7.19 -8.70 26 0.10
0A00 F 62.42 -6.51 2,524 0.06
CASE C 1090.50 -1.60 1 0.00
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