Companies Reporting Earnings on

Symbol Grade Name Close Avg Volume
ATT C Allianz Technology Trust 341.50 901,819
BEZ B Beazley Plc 637.50 1,771,899
BGEU D Baillie Gifford European Growth Trust 94.10 681,729
CNR A Condor Gold Plc 32.50 273,689
CRN A Cairn Homes Plc 136.80 985,584
DLN F Derwent London Plc 2040.00 263,912
IAG B International Consolidated Airlines Group, S.A. 176.65 18,697,003
PCGH C Polar Cap Glbl Health Gwth&Inc Tst Plc 363.00 283,990
RMV D Rightmove Plc 524.00 2,215,839
RR B Rolls Royce Group 413.80 40,398,928
TXP F Touchstone Exploration Inc 39.25 317,403

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